Plot 196: George Polichropoulos

George Polichropoulos, also known as George Alais Polis, was born on January 13, 1908, in Greece to Christos Polichropoulos and Denedra Geauacopolos. He immigrated to the United States in 1914, arriving in New York on the Greek steamship SS Patris. Mr. Polichropoulos married Viola Doucas on March 27, 1928, in Manchester, New Hampshire; they later separated around the time of his incarceration. He had a sporadic work history, including jobs as a toy worker, restaurant worker, and painting room worker. Mr. Polichropoulos had black hair, brown eyes, and stood 5'4½" tall.

Mr. Polichropoulos entered the Massachusetts State Prison on October 14, 1931, and was later transferred to the Norfolk Prison Camp. He died there on October 19, 1936, at the age of 28.