Art at the Library
"A fine building, well adapted to the purpose, would be a perpetual invitation to possessors of Art treasures to consider the wisdom of bestowing them on the public." - William Munroe, 1875 letter to the Concord Free Public Library Corporation
The Concord Free Public Library is home to a unique art collection that emphasizes the history, people, and culture of Concord, Massachusetts. From its founding in 1873, art has had a special place within the Library. The William Munroe Special Collections holds over 200 pieces of art, including sculptures, paintings, and lithographs, from a wide variety of artists from Concord and beyond.
The focus of the collection is works of art with an association with the Town of Concord, whether that is via the subject or the artist. From portraits of Emerson, Thoreau, and Alcott, to visions of Concord's buildings, byways, and bridges, the full Collection is displayed here for the first time.
Art pieces courtesy of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation. Photographic images © 2020 James E. Coutré