Massachusetts Historical Commission Surveys: Concord, MA

Collection Metadata


Massachusetts Historical Commission Surveys: Concord, MA


Surveys of historic properties and districts in Concord, MA


Well-rounded survey documents combine an evaluation of the structure itself with research in primary and secondary documents on the structure, the people associated with it and the broader context. All documents are also available on the state's MACRIS site.
  • Collection: Massachusetts Historical Commission Surveys: Concord, MA
51 Walden St..pdf

Blackall, Clapp and Whittemore; Blackall, Clarence Howard; Chapman, John H.; Little, Harry Britton; Miller, Hans; Orendorff, Harold 1887
51 Derby St..pdf

Unknown 1963
50-52 Belknap Street.pdf

Unknown c. 1815
50 Monument St..pdf

Unknown 1820
49 Sudbury Road.pdf

Hobson, Moses 1850
49 Main St..pdf

Unknown 1892
49 Liberty St..pdf

French, Daniel Chester c. 1845
48 Upland Rd..pdf

Bergemann, Robert J. Jr. c. 1962
48 Monument Sq..pdf

Unknown c. 1690